The International Center plays a central role in our international exchange activities. Established in 1996, the International Center handles academic exchanges with 52 overseas universities and three overseas research institutions that we have agreements with, sends students abroad, organizes training programs, accepts foreign students and serves as the university’s point of contact for overseas exchanges in an effort to facilitate the university’s internationalization. As of May 2024, 587 foreign students are enrolled at Kokushikan University. The International Center also supports these students by providing them with information and advice about life-related matters such as residence status, housing, and healthcare in addition to scholarships and helping with different procedures.

  1. Support for International Students
    Matters related to residence status; housing, medical care, and other practical matters ; providing information and consultation regarding scholarships and application procedures.
  2. Support for Students Interested in Studying Abroad
    Providing information and consultation for students hoping to study overseas.
  3. Exchange and Study Abroad Programs
    The Center currently administers one-year student exchange program with 34 cooperating overseas universities, and one-month study abroad program with cooperating institutions in 5 countries(Canada, the United States, China, South Korea, and Australia).
  4. Support for Visiting Scholars from Overseas
  5. Student Seminars with Cooperating Overseas Universities

Academic Exchange with Overseas Institutions

No. Country Location University Name
1 U.S.A New York,NY St. John's University*
2 Davis,CA University of California, Davis*
3 San Francisco,CA San Francisco State University
4 Canada Cranbrook,B.C. College of the Rockies*
5 Vancover,B.C. Simon Fraser University
6 Australia Brisbane,QL Griffith University*
7 Clayton Monash University
8 Korea Seoul Hanyang University
9 Busan Dong-eui University*
10 Andong Andong National University
11 Seoul Korea University
12 Gwangju Chonnam National University
13 China Beijing Beijing Normal University
14 Beijing Beijing University of Technology*
15 Taiyuan Shanxi University
16 Suzhou Soochow University
17 Suzhou Suzhou City University
18 Harbin Heilongjiang University
19 Shanghai Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
20 Wuhan Wuhan University
21 Changchun Jilin University
22 Dalian Dalian University of Foreign Languages
23 Dalian Dalian Neusoft University of Information
24 Qingdao Qingdao University
25 Shenzhen Shenzhen Polytechnic
26 Taiwan Taipei Chinese Culture University
27 Kaohsiung National Sun Yat-sen University
28 Mongolia Ulaanbaatar National University of Mongolia
29 Philippines Manila De La Salle University
30 Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, USSH
31 Indonesia Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada University
32 Surakarta Sebelas Maret University
33 Thailand Bangkok Chulalongkorn University
34 Bangkok National Institutes for Emergency Medical in Thailand
35 Bangkok Navamindradhiraj University
36 Chiang Mai Chiang Mai University
37 Myanmar Yangon University of Yangon
38 Hungary Budapest Semmelweis University
39 Budapest Hungarian University of Sports Science
40 Germany Munich University of Munich
41 Koblenz University of Koblenz-Landau
42 Bulgaria Sofia National Sports Academy
43 Veliko Turnovo University of Veliko Turnovo
44 Sweden Luleå Luleå University of Technology
45 Russia Vladivostok Far Eastern Federal University
46 Uzbekistan Samarkand Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
47 Tashkent University of World Economy and Diplomacy
48 Kyrgyz Bishkek Kyrgyz National University
49 Turkey Van Yuzunchu Yil University
50 Ankara Hacettepe University
51 Ethiopia Addis Ababa Addis Ababa University
52 Iraq Baghdad The Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage, The Ministry of Culture, Republic of Iraq
53 Jordan Irbid Yarmouk University
54 Amman Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
55 Kazakhstan Almaty Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • *one month language program
  • As of May 1 2024