和英文併記 大学案内2020 電子カタログ

045Faculty of Letters 文学部 Basic Subjects 基礎科目 Year 設置年次*General Education Courses 総合教育科目 1~4Foreign Languages Courses 外国語科目 1~4Majors 専門科目 Year 設置年次*Required [必修科目]Introduction to Education A/BHumanity and EducationResearch in EducationSchool SafetyPedagogyPractice of Carrer DevelopmentSeminar on Education 1/2Graduation Thesis教育学の基礎A / B人間と教育教育学研究学校安全教育学キャリアデザイン実習教育学演習1/2卒業論文1222333 ~ 44Elective [選択科目]Educational PsychologyEducational PhilosophyEducational SociologyHistory of Education in JapanHistory of Education in the WestEducation Administration and FinanceEducation MethodologyEducational ManagementTheory of CurriculumResearch in Educational Laws and RegulationsEducational EvaluationEducation for International UnderstandingEnvironmental EducationTheory and Practice of Moral EducationTheory and Practice in Special School ActivitiesTheory of Teacher DevelopmentEducational GuidanceEducational Guidance(School Nursing)Educational CounselingCareer EducationIntroduction to PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyPsychology of PersonalityClinical PsychologyTheory of Social Studies·Geography and History in Senior High SchoolTheory of Social Studies·Civicsin Senior High SchoolTheory of Health and Physical Education I/IIHuman RelationsIntroductory Survey of PhilosophyIntroductory Survey of EthicsIntroductory Survey of Religious StudiesHistory of Japanese Ethical ThoughtLifelong Learning A/BAdministration and Management of Social Education A/BLifelong Learning Support A/B教育心理学教育哲学教育社会学日本教育史西洋教育史教育行財政教育方法論教育経営論教育課程論教育法規研究教育評価国際理解教育環境教育論道徳教育の理論と実践特別活動の理論と実践教職論生徒・進路指導論生徒指導論(養)教育相談キャリア教育論心理学概説発達心理学人格心理学臨床心理学社会科・地歴科教育論社会科・公民科教育論保健体育科教育論Ⅰ/Ⅱ人間関係論哲学概説倫理学概説宗教学概説日本倫理思想史生涯学習概論A / B社会教育経営論A / B生涯学習支援論A / B23 ~ 41 ~ 2223 ~ 433 ~ 43 ~ 43 ~ 41 ~ 21 ~ 2211222231 ~ 21 ~ 23 ~ 43 ~ 422211 ~ 21 ~ 21 ~ 21 ~ 2123Social Equality and Social EducationMulticultural Society and Social EducationPhilosophy of Physical Education and SportPsychology of Physical Education and SportManagement of Physical Education and SportSociology of Physical Education and SportKinetics of Physical Education (incl. Methodology of Physical Education)School Health EducationMental HealthFirst Aid (incl. School Safety)HygienicsPublic HygienicsPhysiology (incl. Physiology of Exercise)Growth and DevelopmentMeasurement and Evaluation of Physical Education and SportBiomechanicsNutritionHealth EducationHealth Consultation ActivityTheory of School Nursing TeacherIntroduction to School NursingHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyBiochemistry and Microbiology (incl. Immunology)Introduction to NursingHealth Care of Adult and PubertyChild Health CareTheory of Special Needs EducationPsychology, Physiology and Pathology of the Children with Intellectual DisabilitiesTheory of Education for Children with Intellectual DisabilitiesInstructional design for adults with Mental Retardation I/IIMethos of Intervention with Developmental disorderEducation for the Language impairmentEducation for the Visual impairmentEducation for the Hearing impairmentEducation for the Adults with IllnessEducation for the Motor DisabilityEducation of Person with Mental RetardationTheory of Health and Development for Handicapped children Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Person with IllnessPsychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Person with Physical HandicapsPsychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Person with Severe and Mutiple DisabilitiesPsychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Person with Visual impairmentPsychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Person with Auditory impairmentTeaching Method and Educational ICTThe Utilization of the Information MediaSeminar on the Utilization of the Information (2)社会的平等と社会教育多文化共生と社会教育体育・スポーツ哲学体育・スポーツ心理学体育・スポーツ経営学体育・スポーツ社会学運動学(運動方法学を含む)学校保健精神保健救急処置(学校安全を含む)衛生学公衆衛生学生理学(運動生理学を含む)発育発達論体育・スポーツ測定評価バイオメカニクス栄養学健康教育論健康相談活動論養護教職論養護概説解剖学生化学・微生物学(免疫学を含む)基礎看護学思春期・成人保健小児保健特別支援教育論知的障害者の心理・生理・病理知的障害者教育論知的障害者指導法1/2発達障害者支援論言語障害教育総論視覚障害教育論聴覚障害教育論病弱者教育論肢体不自由者教育論知的障害教育総論障害児の発達と健康病弱者の心理・生理・病理肢体不自由者の心理・生理・病理重複障害・LD等の心理・生理・病理視覚障害者の心理・生理・病理聴覚障害者の心理・生理・病理教育方法と教育情報技術情報メディアの活用情報サービス演習(2)111 1 ~ 2 1 ~ 2 1 ~ 22132223 3 ~ 42 3 ~ 4 1 ~ 23 3 ~ 42212133222322333322223332 2 ~ 33Department of Education / Major in Education教きょう育いく学がっ科か/教きょう育いく学がくコースIn this major the following goals are pursued while deepening insight into human development:(1) serious reection on the nature of education in the context of society and our changing times, (2) scientic understanding of the mechanisms of the human body and mind and their development, (3) cultivation of communication skills via presentations and discussions in smallgroup seminars, and (4) gaining the ability to act and a sense of responsibility through a variety of eld work and social activities. Broad study of pedagogy and psychology prepare graduates not only for careers as teachers and librarians, but for work in social welfare, counseling, and related elds.本ほんコースでは、人にん間げん形けい成せいについての洞どう察さつを深ふかめるために、次つぎのような内ない容ようを学まなびます。(1)社しゃ会かいや時じ代だいの動うごきを捉とらえながら、教きょう育いくの本ほん質しつについて熟じゅっ考こうする。人にん間げんの心こころと身からだ体のしくみやその発はっ達たつについて科か学がく的てきに知しる。(3)少しょう人にん数ずう制せいゼミナールでの発はっ表ぴょうや討とう論ろんにりコミュニケーションの感かん性せいを養やしなう。(4)各かく種しゅの実じっ習しゅうや社しゃ会かい活かつ動どうへの参さん加かを通つうじて行こう動どう力りょくと責せき任にん感かんを身みにつけるなどです。教きょう育いく学がくや心しん理り学がくを幅はば広ひろく履り修しゅうすことにより、教きょう員いんや図と書しょ館かん司し書しょなど教きょう育いく関かん係けいはもより、社しゃ会かい福ふく祉し関かん連れん、カウンセリング関かん連れん分ぶん野やへ進すすむ人ひとも増ふえています。*1=Freshman, 2=Sophomore, 3=Junior, 4=Senior (2)るとよ

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