和英文併記 大学案内2020 電子カタログ

1032002 平成14年School of Asia 21 established. Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering at Faculty of Engineering changed their names to the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Information Technology, and Civil and Environmental Engineering.21 世紀アジア学部設置工学部機械工学科を機械情報工学科、土木工学科を都市システム工学科、建築学科を建築デザイン工学科に名称変更2003 平成15年Doctoral courses added to the Graduate Schools of Sport System and Human Sciences; Faculty of Political Science and Economics I and II merge, offering both day and evening classes.大学院スポーツ・システム研究科・人文科学研究科に博士課程設置政経学部を昼夜開講制に改組2006 平成18年Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Intellectual Property Laws opened, offering a master's course. Graduate School of Globalising Asia opened, offering master's and doctoral courses.大学院に総合知的財産法学研究科(修士)、グローバルアジア研究科(修士・博士)設置国士舘大学地域交流文化センター完成2007 平成19年School of Science and Engineering established.工学部を改組し理工学部理工学科設置2008 平成20年Construction completed of the Umegaoka Complex (Building No. 34) on the Setagaya Campus.Department of Sport Education for Children added to the Faculty of Physical Education.世田谷キャンパス梅ヶ丘校舎(34号館)完成体育学部にこどもスポーツ教育学科設置Setagaya Campus Umegaoka Complex (Building No.34)2009 平成21年Tsurukawa Campus changed its name to Machida Campus.鶴川キャンパスを町田キャンパスに名称変更2010 平成22年Graduate School of Emergency Medical System opened, offering a master's course.大学院に救急システム研究科(修士)設置2011 平成23年Establishment of the Department of Business, Faculty of Business.経営学部経営学科設置2013 平成25年Maple Century Hall opened on Setagaya Campus.Doctoral course established in Graduate School of Emergency Medical System.世田谷キャンパスにメイプルセンチュリーホール完成大学院救急システム研究科に博士課程設置Maple Century hall2017 平成29年100th anniversary of Kokushikan.国士舘創立100周年

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