和英文併記 大学案内2020 電子カタログ

070KOKUSHIKAN UniversityProgram in Emergency Medical System 救急救命システム専攻(Master’s Course) (修士課程)EMS Medical Ethics, statistics and presentation skill Training I 救急倫理・統計・プレゼンテーション演習ⅠEMS Medical Ethics, statistics and presentation skill Training II 救急倫理・統計・プレゼンテーション演習ⅡInternational Emergency Medical System Training I (Disaster system) 国際救急医療体制演習Ⅰ(災害医療体制)International Emergency Medical System Training II (EMS system) 国際救急医療体制演習Ⅱ(救急医療体制)Advanced EMS Skill I : Scenario base Field Simulation Training 救急救命高度スキル技術・演習Ⅰ(総合シミュレーション)Advanced EMS Skill II : In hospital Training 救急救命高度スキル技術・演習Ⅱ(病院内演習)EMS experimetal design and Practice 救急実験研究演習Clinical inferences and Clinical Emergency Differencial Diagnosis Perspective 臨床推論・救急鑑別診断持論Pediatric Emergencies Perspective 小児救急特論Elderly and Behavioral Emergencies Perspective 高齢者生活習慣病特論EMS Nutrition Perspective 救急栄養学持論Colonary care Perspective コロナリーケア特論Trauma and Disaster medicine perspective 災害外傷医学特論EMS life and Ethics perspective 救急生命・倫理特論EMS Presentation Skill and medical education Perspective 救急プレゼンテーションスキル教育特論Medical volunteer and Medical support Perspective 救護・救急ボランティア実践特論EMS laboratory statistics perspective 救急研究統計特論EMS information process perspective 救急情報処理特論EMS esperimental laboratory perspective 救急実験研究特論EMS simulation and teaching perspective 救急シミュレーション教育指導法特論Program in Emergency Medical System (One Year Course) 救急救命システム専攻(1年コース)(Master’s Course) (修士課程)EMS Medical Ethics, statistics and presentation skill Training I 救急倫理・統計・プレゼンテーション演習ⅠInternational Emergency Medical System training I (Disaster system) 国際救急医療体制演習Ⅰ(災害医療体制)International EMS system training II (EMS system) 国際救急医療体制演習Ⅱ(救急医療体制)Domestic Fire Administration manegement system training 国内消防行政管理演習Advanced EMS Skill I : Scenario Simulation Training 救急救命高度スキル技術Ⅰ(総合シミュレーション)EMS skill edcucation teaching Training 救急スキル教育指導法演習Clinical inferences and Clinical Emergency Differencial Diagnosis Perspective 臨床推論・救急鑑別診断持論Pediatric Emergency Perspective 小児救急特論Elderly and Behavioral Emergencies Perspective 高齢者生活習慣病特論Prehospital Emergency Pharmacology Perspective 病院前救急薬理学特論Trauma and Disaster medicine perspective 災害外傷医学特論Prehospital Emergency medical education Perspective 病院前救急医学教育特論Prehospial eld ledership Perspective 救急現場活動リーダーシップ特論EMS life and Ethics perspective 救急生命・倫理特論EMS communication skill perspective 救急コミュニケーションスキル特論EMS statistics and EMS information process perspective 救急業務統計・情報処理特論Program in Emergency Medical System 救急救命システム専攻(Doctoral Course) (博士課程)Common Subjects [共通科目]Special Study on Emergency Medical System 救急システム特別研究Medical ethics perspective 医療倫理特別研究Emergency Medical System Health Care Policy [救急医療体制政策分野]Special Study on Emergency Medical Service System 救急医療体制システム特別研究Special Seminar on Emergency Medical Service System I 救急医療体制システム特別演習ⅠSpecial Seminar on Emergency Medical Service System II 救急医療体制システム特別演習ⅡSpecial Seminar on Emergency Medical Service System III 救急医療体制システム特別演習ⅢSpecial Study on Emergency Medical System health Care Policy 救急医療政策特別研究Special Seminar on Emergency Medical System health Care Policy I 救急医療政策特別演習ⅠSpecial Seminar on Emergency Medical System health Care Policy II 救急医療政策特別演習ⅡSpecial Seminar on Emergency Medical System health Care Policy III 救急医療政策特別演習ⅢPre-Hospital of Emergency Symtom and Acute Differential Dagnois [病院前救急症候・鑑別診断学分野]Special Study of Traumatology on Emergency Medicine 救急外傷学特別研究Special Seminar of Traumatology on Emergency Medicine I 救急外傷学特別演習ⅠSpecial Seminar of Traumatology on Emergency Medicine II 救急外傷学特別演習ⅡSpecial Seminar of Traumatology on Emergency Medicine III 救急外傷学特別演習ⅢSpecial Study on Emergency Symptom and Disease 救急症候・疫病学特別研究Special Seminar on Emergency Symptom and Disease I 救急症候・疫病学特別演習ⅠSpecial Seminar on Emergency Symptom and Disease II 救急症候・疫病学特別演習ⅡSpecial Seminar on Emergency Symptom and Disease III 救急症候・疫病学特別演習ⅢSpecial Study of Acute Differential Dagnois on Emergency Medicine 救急鑑別診断学特別研究Special Seminar of Acute Differential Dagnois on Emergency Medicine I 救急鑑別診断学特別演習ⅠSpecial Seminar of Acute Differential Dagnois on Emergency Medicine II 救急鑑別診断学特別演習ⅡSpecial Seminar of Acute Differential Dagnois on Emergency Medicine III 救急鑑別診断学特別演習ⅢDisaster and Crisis Management System [災害医療・防災危機管理マネージメント分野]Special Study on Disaster and Crisis Management System 災害・防災危機管理システム特別研究Special Seminar on Disaster and Crisis Management System I 災害・防災危機管理システム特別演習ⅠSpecial Seminar on Disaster and Crisis Management System II 災害・防災危機管理システム特別演習ⅡSpecial Seminar on Disaster and Crisis Management System III 災害・防災危機管理システム特別演習ⅢSpecial Study on EMS Education and Resusciation Statistics 救急・蘇生統計学特別研究Special Seminar on EMS Education and Resusciation Statistics I 救急・蘇生統計学特別演習ⅠSpecial Seminar on EMS Education and Resusciation Statistics II 救急・蘇生統計学特別演習ⅡSpecial Seminar on EMS Education and Resusciation Statistics III 救急・蘇生統計学特別演習Ⅲ救きゅう急きゅうシステム研けん究きゅう科か/救きゅう急きゅう救きゅう命めいシステム専せん攻こう(修しゅう士し・博はく士し課か程てい)・救きゅう急きゅう救きゅう命めいシステム専せん攻こう(1年ねん()スーコ修しゅう士し課か程てい)Graduate School of Emergency Medical SystemProgram in Emergency Medical System (Master’s / Doctoral Course)Program in Emergency Medical System (One Year Course) (Master’s Course)The Graduale School of Emergency MedicaI Syslem provide 3 years ph.D course and two or one years master course program in emergency medicine. The graduate school focuses on conducting advanced research as well as offering high-Ievel education for doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other medical personel involved in prehospitaI emergency medicine. The school conducts research on the full spectrum of current topics related to prehospitaI emergency medicine and can accommodate a wide range of international EMS research interests. We equip students to be high-Ievel professionals who can resolve various issues that Japan and other nations and Asian regions face in relation to prehospital emergency medicine by using their academic expertise and specialized skills and taking a syslematic approach.救きゅう急きゅうシステム研けん究きゅう科かでは、博はく士し課か程ていならびに修しゅう士し課か程ていに救きゅう急きゅう救きゅう命めいシステム専せん攻こうと救きゅう急きゅう救きゅう命めいシステム専せん攻こう(1年ねんコース)を設もうけ、医い師し、看かん護ご師しや救きゅう急きゅう救きゅう命めい士しといった病びょう院いん前まえ救きゅう急きゅう医い療りょうに関かん与よする国こっ家か資し格かく有ゆう資し格かく者しゃへの高こう度どな教きょう育いくと研けん究きゅうを行おこなうことを主しゅ眼がんとしています。現げん在ざいの病びょう院いん前まえ救きゅう急きゅう医い療りょう体たい制せいにおける多た種しゅ多た様ような事じ象しょうを研けん究きゅう対たい象しょうとし、各かく自じの興きょう味み・関かん心しんに沿そって研けん究きゅうを行おこなうことが可か能のうです。日に本ほんのみならず、世せ界かい各かっ国こく・地ち域いきが抱かかえる病びょう院いん前まえ救きゅう急きゅう医い療りょうに関かんする諸しょ問もん題だいをシステム的てきに捉とらえ、それを解かい決けつできる専せん門もん能のう力りょくを有ゆうする学がく識しき豊ゆたかな高こう度ど専せん門もん職しょく業ぎょう人にんの養よう成せいを目め指ざします。

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