和英文併記 大学案内2020 電子カタログ

002KOKUSHIKAN UniversityMessage from the President 002学長挨拶Organization004学部・大学院・研究所一覧005学年暦 International Exchange 006国際交流Voice of International Students008留学生の声Club Activities010クラブ活動Scholarships 012奨学金Tuition 013学費Residence and Living Expenses 014住居・生活費University Facilities015大学施設Faculty of Political Science and Economics018政経学部Faculty of Physical Education023体育学部School of Science and Engineering031理工学部Faculty of Law 038法学部Faculty of Letters 043文学部School of Asia 2105621世紀アジア学部Faculty of Business061経営学部Graduate Schools065大学院研究科紹介Afliated Institutes 088附置研究所等Index for Academic Staff 092教員インデックス Campus Locations 094環境Historical Overview100歴史Access to Campuses 104交通機関Fiscal 2020 began with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Nations closed their borders to protect themselves. As if linked with this, anti-globalism sentiment is on the rise around the world. As long as the virus itself continues to be the “ultimate globalist,” striking any country, close international cooperation and mutual understanding are indispensable if the pandemic is to be ended.Japan was late in taking its rst actions. But the spread of infection has been checked in this country. This is largely attributable to Japanese people’s traditional and sophisticated attitudes toward public health, which is derived from their religious background. Many other nations have exercised emergency measures involving penalties. In a marked contrast, Japan’s milder approach of simply requesting that its residents self-impose voluntary restraints has internationally been shown to be effective. The core characteristic of the Japanese people is their willingness to control their self-interests and care for others, society, the nation and the whole world in their actions. In other words, it is a sense of public morality that has symbolized the Japanese people since ancient times.The education of Kokushikan University encourages each student CONTENTS [目次]

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