和英文併記 大学案内2020 電子カタログ

100KOKUSHIKAN University[創立者] 柴田德次郎(1890~1973)Historical Overview歴れき史しFounders and Supporters of KokushikanKokushikan was founded during the boom years of the First World War. However, this was also a period of gloom and social unrest. The rice riots that started with a group of housewives in a small shing village in Toyama Prefecture quickly spread to all parts of Japan within a mere ten days. It was under these conditions that a group of young people came together to form “Seinen Dai-Mindan” (Greater Association of Youth). The founding members included Tokujiro Shibata, Shusuke Abe, Daisuke Hanada, Teiichi Kita and Tsukasa Uetsuka. The aim of the Association was to contribute to the prosperity of the nation and stability in the lives of the people through “debate” and “education.” In the eld of debate, in June 1916 the Association started the publication of the magazine, Taimin, which promoted the Association’s aim until 1945. As for the eld of education, Kokushikan was founded as a private academy in November 1917. Originally located in Azabu, Tokyo the academy moved to Setagaya in 1919 and made a fresh start as a full-edged educational institution with a middle school and high school. Today’s Kokushikan University traces its origins to these early initiatives. As it grew and developed in an age of numerous vicissitudes, Kokushikan was blessed with many able supporters. First and foremost, mention must be made of the contributions of the founders of Kokushikan who took on the responsibility of managing the institution. Second come the “four pillars” of Kokushikan consisting of Mitsuru Toyama, Soho Tokutomi, Utaro Noda, and Eiichi Shibusawa. The names of Seigo Nakano and Taketora Ogata are also indelibly linked to the history of Kokushikan.国こく士し舘かんの創そう建けんを支ささえた人ひと々びと国こく士し舘かん創そう設せつの頃ころのわが国くには、第だい一いち次じ世せ界かい大たい戦せんによって一いち時じ期き、好こう景けい気きとなりましたが、反はん面めん、富と山やま県けんの一いち漁ぎょ村そんの主しゅ婦ふたちが起おこした米こめ騒そう動どうが、わずか10日かあまりの間あいだに全ぜん国こく各かく地ちに蔓まん延えんするなど、陰いんうつな世せ相そうでした。そのような時じ代だいに、柴しば田た德とく次じ郎ろう、阿あ部べ秀ひで助すけ、花はな田だ大だい助すけ、喜き多た悌てい一いち、上うえ塚づか司つかさらの青せい年ねん有ゆう志したちが「青せい年ねん大だい民みん団だん」を結けっ成せいします。大だい民みん団だんの目もく的てきは「言げん論ろん」と「教きょう育いく」をもって国こっ家かの繁はん栄えいと国こく民みん生せい活かつの安あん穏のんに資しすることにあり、「言げん論ろん」では1916(大たい正しょう5)年ねん6月がつの雑ざっ誌し「大だい民みん」創そう刊かん以い来らい、1945(昭しょう和わ20)年ねんまでよくその役やく割わりを果はたしました。「教きょう育いく」については、1917(大たい正しょう6)年ねん11月がつ、東とう京きょう・麻あざ布ぶに私し塾じゅく「國こく士し館かん」を開かい設せつし、1919(大たい正しょう8)年ねんには世せ田たが谷やに移うつって高こう等とう部ぶ、中ちゅう等とう部ぶと本ほん格かく的てきな学がっ校こうを設もうけ、これを起き点てんに今いまの総そう合ごう大だい学がく国こく士し舘かんへと発はっ展てんしました。波は瀾らんの時じ世せい、国こく士し舘かんの興こう隆りゅうを支ささえてきた人ひとは少すくなくありませんが、先まず挙あげなければならないのは、終しゅう生せい、学がく園えん経けい営えいの責せきを担になってきた創そう立りつ者しゃの功こう業ぎょうと、国こく士し舘かん創そう建けんの四し天てん王のうとして知しられる頭とう山やま満みつる、徳とく富とみ蘇そ峰ほう、野の田だ卯う太た郎ろう、渋しぶ沢さわ栄えい一いちの存そん在ざいです。また、中なか野の正せい剛ごう、緒お方がた竹たけ虎とらの名なも国こく士し舘かん発はっ展てんの歴れき史しに深ふかく刻きざみこまれています。Tokujiro ShibataFounder(1890-1973)

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