国士舘大学 大学案内

Introduction to Chinese Classic Literature A/BIntroduction of Chinese ThoughtIntroduction of Chinese LiteratureStudies on Chinese Characters A/BA/BPrimary Chinese, Chinese SituationInterpretation of How to read Chinese Classic Literature A/BChinese ConversationHistory of Ancient Chinese ThoughtHistory of Ancient Chinese LiteratureReading Original Texts in Confucianism A/BHistory of Chinese LanguageComposition of Chinese Poetry and ProseGraduation ThesisHistory of Japanese Literature I A (Early)History of Japanese Literature I B (Ancient)Introduction to Japanese Linguistics A/BIntroduction to Information Culture A/BSeminar on Primary ChineseComparative Study on Culture A/BSeminar on ConfucianismReadings in Ancient Chinese Literature A/BSeminar on Ancient Chinese LiteraturePaleography 1.2History of Japanese Literature II A (Medieval)History of Japanese Literature II B (Feudal)History of Japanese Language A/BJapanese GrammarPractical Japanese CompositionLecture on CalligraphyJuvenile LiteratureComparative Study of Natural and Articial Languages Appreciation of Calligraphic Masterpieces A/BTheory of Oriental Calligraphy A/BPractical Training in Calligraphy I (Chinese Character)漢文入門 A / B中国の思想入門中国の文学入門文字学初級中国語・中国事情 A / B漢文読解法 A / BA / B中国語会話中国古代思想史中国古代文学史儒家思想講読 A / B中国語学史漢詩文創作卒業論文日本文学史Ⅰ A(上代)日本文学史ⅠComparative Study on Culture A/B比較文化 A/B B(中古)日本語学概論 A / B情報文化論 A / B初級中国語演習比較文学 A / B儒家思想演習中国古代文学講読 A / B中国古代文学演習古文書学 1.2日本文学史Ⅱ A(中世)日本文学史Ⅱ B(近世)日本語史 A / B日本語文法文章表現書道講義児童文学Gender in Japanese Literature日本文学におけるジェンダーReading Original Texts in Asian History I~VI東洋史史料購読Ⅰ~Ⅵ言語情報論 名跡鑑賞 A / B書論 A / B書道実習Ⅰ(漢字)11111 ~ 2222223 ~ 43 ~ 441Introduction to Asian History A/B東洋史概説 A/B11111 ~ 21 ~ 21 ~ 222222222222222 ~ 42 ~ 32 ~ 42 ~ 4Reading Original Texts in Taoist Thought A/BReading Original Texts in Non-Confucianism A/B道家思想講読 A / B諸子思想講読 A / B2 ~ 42 ~ 4近Modern Japanese Literature and Culture IA・IB / IIA・IIB日本近代文学・文化論ⅠA・ⅠB / ⅡA・ⅡBFilm Studies A/B映像文化 A / BHistory of Calligraphy書道史This major is concerned with the study of the entire system of Chi-nese culture, centering on literature and philosophy, but encom-passing other elds such as politics and language. The objects of research are not restricted to texts and historical sources; the arts of calligraphy and painting, and disciplines such as geography and astronomy are also included. Study of the classical and mod-ern Chinese languages is emphasized, but International students should understand that “kambun kundoku” is a traditional method of reading classical Chinese unique to Japan. Active exchanges with universities in Taiwan, China, and other Asian countries provide opportunities to put this knowledge into practice. Recently demand has been strong for people with Chinese language prociency, and many graduates nd careers with private-sector companies or as civil servants or educators.本ほんせんこう専攻では、中ちゅうごくぶんがく国文学と中ちゅうごく国哲てつがく学を中ちゅうしん心に政せいじ治・言げんご語までを中ちゅうごくがく国学としてとらえ、中ちゅうごく国の文ぶんか化体たいけい系を学まなびます。文ぶんけん献・資しりょう料だけでなく、書しょや絵かいが画といった芸げいじゅつ術、天てんもん文・地ちり理までを研けんきゅう究対たいしょう象としており、資しりょう料の読どっかい解に必ひつよう要不ふかけつ可欠な漢かんぶん文訓くんどく読と現げんだい代中ちゅうごくご国語を基きそ礎から習しゅうとく得します(漢かんぶん文訓くんどく読は日にほん本独どくとく特の読よみ方かたをするので留りゅうがくせい学生は注ちゅうい意が必ひつよう要です。)また、生いきた言げんご語としての日にちじょう常会かいわ話を勉べんきょう強する講こうざ座も設せっち置。中ちゅうごく国、台たいわん湾などアジア各かっこく国の協きょうていこう定校との盛さかんな学がくじゅつ術交こうりゅう流は、まさにその実じっせん践の場ばです。近きんねん年中ちゅうごくご国語を習しゅうとく得した人じんざい材の需じゅよう要が高たかまり、民みんかんき間企業ぎょうおよび資しかく格を取しゅとく得して公こうむ務員いんや教きょうしょく職に就つく人ひとが増ふえています。


