国士舘大学 大学案内

The Department of Law focuses on laws indispensable to social life, and Department of Modern Business Law focus-es on laws indispensable to business life.We nurture specialist who embody the legal mind and are equipped with the legal expertise. From the time of its founding in 1966, the Faculty of Law consisted of a single Department of Law, but in 2001 a reform of the department introduced a new Department of Modern Business Law. With its restructuring into two departments, it is now possible to offer even broader and more methodical legal training addressing the issues con-fronting legal studies within the contemporary social dynam-ics of globalization, the information revolution, and an aging population producing fewer children—issues such as the environment, business, consumer rights, gender equality, ju-venile crimes, and so forth. It also offers even more effective instructions geared to the needs of students preparing for the various legal qualifying examinations and the civil service exams. More than ever, the Faculty emphasizes small-class instructions and makes seminars that provide opportunities for close interaction with professors compulsory in each of the four years.No matter how far our society may progress, law provides its common rules. The ability to think legally and see things ethically are essential acquisitions.In the Faculty of Law we aim at producing specialists who are equipped with the ability to think legally and see things ethically. The Department of Law offers a traditional legal curriculum fo-cused on the study of the domestic legal system with the Con-stitution at its apex, and emphasizing the Six Codes defining Japan’s civil and criminal laws and procedures. The Department of Modern Business Law is geared to responding to the global-ization of corporate activities and the information revolution in our society through the study of law pertaining to international trade and intellectual property. Laws are constantly being made and revised to keep up with social changes, and new courses on real estate law, victimology, legal gender studies, and juve-nile law have been established in the Department of Law as well, out of the Faculty’s commit-ment to broad-based study of law and legal practice that is always responsive to the demands of the times.


