国士舘大学 大学案内

Facultative CourseSpecial lecture for Practice TeachingSpecial lecture for Practice Teaching (Basic)Special lecture for Practice Teaching (Application)Current Educational Issue and Integrated Practice Teaching教職特別講座教職特別講座(基礎)教職特別講座(応用)現代的教育課題及び教職総合2333随意科目55Declining scholastic abilities and physical fitness, bullying, non- attendance and the breakdown of classroom disciplines are some of the various problems that have been identied in Japan’s schools in recent years. Other burgeoning issues of national signicance, such as the declining birthrate coupled with ageing population and envi-ronmental concerns, are combined with these school-related prob-lems, making the question of how to educate our school-age children critically important. The Department of Sport Education for Children seeks to address the problems in our schools and a range of related issues through a curriculum that, with its focus mainly on the elds of physical education and sporting activities, aims to cultivate talented teachers who possess both a high degree of specialization as edu-cators and specic prociencies in educational practice.近きんねん年、学がくりょく力・体たいりょく力の低ていか下、いじめ、不ふとうこう登校、学がっきゅう級崩ほうかい壊などの学がっこう校をめぐる様さまざま々な問もんだい題が指してき摘されています。加くわえて、少しょうし子高こうれいか齢化や環かんきょう境問もんだい題などの国こくみんてき民的な課かだい題も顕けんざいか在化し、学がっこうき校期のこどもをどのように教きょういく育していくかは極きわめて重じゅうよう要なテーマとなっています。こどもスポーツ教きょういく育学がっか科では、こうした学がっこう校をめぐる問もんだい題や様さまざま々な課かだい題を解かいけつ決すべく、体たいいく育・スポーツ活かつどう動を主おもな履りしゅう修内ないよう容として教きょういくしゃ育者としての高たかい専せん門もん性せいを有ゆうするとともに具ぐたいてき体的な教きょういく育実じっせん践の力ちからを備そなえた優すぐれた教きょういん員の育いくせい成を目めざ指しています。


