国士舘大学 大学案内

106 KOKUSHIKAN UNIVERSITYHistorical Overview歴史Historical Overview Chronological Table歴史36Kokushikan General Information 2013Founders and Supporters of KokushikanKokushikan was founded during the boomyears of the First World War. However, thiswas also a period of gloom and social unrest.The rice riots that started with a group ofhousewives in a small fishing village inToyama Prefecture quickly spread to all partsof Japan within a mere ten days. It was underthese conditions that a group of young peoplecame together to form “Seinen Dai-Mindan”(Greater Association of Youth). The foundingmembers included Tokujiro Shibata, ShusukeAbe, Daisuke Hanada, Teiichi Kita andTsukasa Uetsuka. The aim of the Associationwas to contribute to the prosperity of thenation and stability in the lives of the peoplethrough “debate” and “education.”In the field of debate, in June 1916 theAssociation started the publication of themagazine, Taimin, which promoted theAssociation’s aim until 1945. As for the fieldof education, Kokushikan was founded as aprivate academy in November 1917.Originally located in Azabu, Tokyo theacademy moved to Setagaya in 1919 andmade a fresh start as a full-fledgededucational institution with a middle schooland high school. Today’s KokushikanUniversity traces its origins to these earlyinitiatives. As it grew and developed in an ageof numerous vicissitudes, Kokushikan wasblessed with many able supporters. First andforemost, mention must be made of thecontributions of the founders of Kokushikanwho took on the responsibility of managingthe institution. Second come the “four pillars”of Kokushikan consisting of Mitsuru Toyama,Soho Tokutomi, Utaro Noda, and EiichiShibusawa. The names of Seigo Nakano andTaketora Ogata are also indelibly linked to thehistory of Kokushikan.191719191929194719481953195819611962Memorial Lecture HallKokushikan High School (Precursor of UniversityKokushikan Professional School Kokushikan Junior CollegeFounder Tokujiro Shibata(1890-1973)Kokushikan (private academy) established inAzabu, Tokyo.Educational Foundation of Kokushikan (preselocation) established.Kokushikan Professional School (DepartmentJapanese and Chinese Classics Kendo andJudo) established.Junior High School established.Senior High School established.Kokushikan Junior College established.Kokushikan University formally established asfour-year university; Faculty of PhysicalEducation createdFaculty of Political Science and Economicscreated with Departments of Political Scienceand Economics.Faculty of Political Science and Economicsadded Department of Business Administratio歴史年表HistoricalOverview36国士舘要覧2013創立者 柴田德次郎 1890~1973国士舘の創建を支えた人々国士舘創設の頃のわが国は、第一次世界大戦によって一時期、好景気となりましたが、反面、富山県の一漁村の主婦たちが起こした米騒動が、僅か10日あまりの間に全国各地に蔓延するなど、陰うつな世相でした。そのような時代に、柴田 次郎、阿部秀助、花田大助、喜多悌一、上塚司らの青年有志たちが「青年大民団」を結成します。大民団の目的は「言論」と「教育」をもって国家の繁栄と国民生活の安穏に資することにあり、「言論」では1916(大正5)年6月の雑誌「大民」創刊以来、1945(昭和20)年までよくその役割を果たしました。「教育」については、1917(大正6)年11月、東京・麻布に私塾「國士館」を開設し、1919(大正8)年には世田谷に移って高等部、中等部と本格的な学校を設け、これを起点に今の総合大学国士舘へと発展しました。波瀾の時世、国士舘の興隆を支えてきた人は少なくありませんが、先ず挙げなければならないのは、終生、学園経営の責を担ってきた創立者の功業と、国士舘創建の四天王として知られる頭山満、徳富蘇峰、野田卯太郎、渋沢栄一の存在です。また、中野正剛、緒方竹虎の名も国士舘発展の歴史に深く刻みこまれています。1大1大1大1大1大1昭1昭1昭1昭1昭1昭1昭1昭德


